Thursday, February 7, 2008

"911 Can I fix your computer?"

I know, it's a stupid title, but I couldn't think of anything better. I've been awake too many hours already.

Anyway. I was a computer tech for 6 years. I'm slowly starting to wonder why in hell I chose quit my job with a public school system 40 miles away with damn good benefits and nobody watching over my shoulder constantly to be a dispatcher for a small town all of 2 miles away where they seem to look at their dispatchers as cheap shit only there to answer the phone when it rings. I like the majority of the people on my shift... not that there's many on my shift. 3 or 4 people usually, including myself. Sometimes 5 when we're lucky, but that's not often. The only thing that REALLY sucks about dispatching more than anything else. The fact that, hmm, how can I put this... I smoke like a fucking chimney. It's not that easy to get out when I really want that cigarette. I guess it's a good thing that most of the guys on the road are qualified on the desk. I should also probably mention that I dispatch by myself.

Time to start the job hunt, I think. I'm not going to go crazy looking for something, but I'll at least keep an eye out if something interesting comes across. I'm having fun with what I'm doing now. The best part about it right now is that I'm on third shift and none of the brass is around. While I do have a Sgt. around, he's still cool so I don't have a problem there.

Once again,

Clear and Unavailable

Dispatcher 6

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Matt...if you find a job where you can smoke, please let me know and I'll move! And we are the TOBACCO state :-(

You like your job because it gives you something to blog about, right?
Wrong :-)

Keep it do have a reader LOL
