Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Headquarters, I'll have a 39..."

"... Scratch that, in foot pursuit! Get a rig and medics!"

So this unlicensed Mexican, who I'm betting is illegal, was speeding down a road in town, one of the cops turns his lights on and apparently freaks this guy out or something. He hits a nice new Lexus, a telephone pole, and the front of a restaurant. Then jumps out and starts running. Turns out he was drunk, too.

This was at about 1:30 in the morning. As of the time I left at 6 in the morning, they were STILL working on the pole that was hanging by the wires. It finally got cleaned up around 2 in the afternoon.

Apparently the hospital also wanted to keep him for x-rays and stuff, too. Not sure when we're getting him back and I highly doubt he'll show up for court. The driver and the owner of the vehicle were written a NICE number of tickets though! I hope he does come in for court, he's in for a world of shit.

Apparently this restaurant has a nice recessed brick front end now. Haven't seen it yet... last time I went by, the road was still closed. Sucked for morning traffic, I assume. That's a busy area.

I'm also surprised it didn't knock the power out in town. That would have been kind of funny to have a borough-wide power outage for a third day in a row.

Clear and Unavailable

Dispatcher 6


Debbie said...


I don't understand why he doesn't go straight from hospital to jail and then turned over to ICE.

When will this all stop.

Debbie in NC

Anonymous said...

Illegal? Naw........*snicker*