Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Send an officer, please

I just randomly thought of this one...

A while back I got a call from a resident requesting an officer because there were ashes or something falling on his property. At least this wasn't on 911, he would have gotten the non-emergency button. He wasn't sure if they were ashes or not, but he wanted an officer there. Now what exactly do you expect us to do about this particular situation? I can't just let it go and not send anybody, he WILL come in and complain that we're not doing our job. And... if it takes to long to get an officer there, he'll call and complain. Just out of shits and giggles, I turned up the volume on the county fire band and heard that there was a decent sized brush fire in another town not too far away. I guess I should mention that it was pretty windy that day. The wind was blowing the ashes and he happened to be in the path. If it starts a fire on your property, fine, I'll send the fire department. As far as "stuff" falling from the sky, there's not a damn thing we can do. I'm sure as hell not putting a tarp over your property.

Now that I've gotten that random call across, I thought of something quick and stupid.

Around the same time, probably within the same week, I got a call - over the 911 line - with an elderly female stating there's a squirrel up on the power lines. Um. Non-emergency. She listens to the non-emergency message AND CALLS BACK OVER 911!!! Needless to say, she got the non-emergency button again, and didn't call back that time.

FYI for those who don't know - as far as I know, all of New Jersey has a button on their 911 console called "Non-Emergency" which, when pressed, dials a voicemail-like message that basically says the call is not an emergency, 911 is for emergencies only, and to contact your local police department at their regular number. Of course, it doesn't give the regular number of the local police department.

Until next time,

Clear and Unavailable

Dispatcher 6


Anonymous said...

I WANT that button!! We need that. I'd be pushing it all the time!

Unknown said...

Angie sent me :) Welcome to the world of blogging!

I can't imagine how great a non-emergency button would be!


Edward said...

Angie was going to pout if I didn't show up here. Hey, Matt, welcome to the biz!

You will never look at human beings the same way again.

Debbie said...


Welcome to bloggerville! I'm just a reader so far and sent here by Angie!

I love reading Angie's stories and I see I'm already going to love yours too!

Thank you and Angie both for your public service!

Anonymous said...

Well well..c how popular I am? LOL!

Anonymous said...

I want one! No fair!