Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just Another Ducky Day In Dispatch

Finally a day off! Got some stuff done today for the other organization I belong to. Damn paperwork! It all looks the same after a while.

As for the dispatch world, it's been the same old stuff. My crazy friend that calls about non-existent stuff hasn't called. Maybe about a month ago, a mental health screener went to her house to talk to her and she was shipped off to the happy hut in a local hospital. I'm sure she's home by now... probably heavily medicated, too. Other than that, it's basically been the same as always... drunk illegals, a domestic or two, traffic stops, barking dog complaints. Blah. It has given me some time to get some other work done.

Speaking of other work, I did order that laptop I mentioned a few posts back. It was just under $500 after shipping. It's working out well with the exception of battery life (or lack thereof). I was going to order a new battery, but at $165, I think I'll just deal with it for now. Damn laptop batteries aren't cheap, WTF?!

Still haven't figured out what domain name to use. I don't even know what to put on it. We don't even have Internet access at work, so I don't know how much good that'll do. Any suggestions?

As for the DUCKY image and the title of this post... check out, their store has some great 9-1-1 dispatch items... such as the DUCKY! I'd get one to toss around Dispatch, but I guarantee it'll disappear.

That's it for now...

Dispatcher 6

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